
Dear Colleagues, We would like to extend a warm invitation from the Transplant Infectious Diseases section to attend the 10th International Transplant Infectious Diseases Conference, to be held in the fascinating city of Hong Kong, just prior to the 26th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS). The full day meeting will include lectures by 13 physician experts from 4 continents, covering relevant topics such as management of hepatitis C and B, respiratory viruses, multidrug resistant organisms, vaccination, arbovirus infections, and clinical recommendations on the management of common and emerging complications of transplantation. This year the lectures will follow the chronology of the transplant timeline emphasizing the TID doctor approach to diagnosis and management of major syndromes in the transplant setting. As a favored tradition of our meetings, we will finish the day with the popular five-minute case presentations from all speakers, encouraging challenging discussion. Our annual TID conference always provides an excellent opportunity for colleagues to meet and for strangers to become friends. At the end of the day, the conference dinner seals the spirit of friendship and cordiality that has always characterized our meetings. Please consider joining us in Hong Kong for an unforgettable meeting. We look forward to a wonderful conference, Clarisse Machado, Conference Co-chair Michele I. Morris, Conference Co-chair

Conference Chairs Michele I. Morris, USA and Clarisse Machado, Brazil Program and Organization Committee Ligia Camera Pierrotti, Brazil Sharon Chen, Australia Ban Hock Tan, Singapore Patrick Woo, Hong Kong

Read more: TID 2016

TID 2017

Dear Colleagues, We would like to extend a warm invitation from the Transplant Infectious Diseases section to attend the 11th International Transplant Infectious Diseases Conference, "Cutting Edge Topics in Transplant Infectious Disease for the Transplant Clinician”, to be held in picturesque Colonial Montevideo, Uruguay, on Saturday, September 2, 2017 one day prior to the XXIV Congreso Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Trasplante (STALYC 2017).  The full day meeting will include lectures by 13 physician experts from various continents, covering relevant topics such as donor management in developing countries, MDR spread and consequences in organ donor selection, polyomaviruses, Chagas disease, infection biomarkers in transplant recipients, strongyloidiasis, vaccination of pediatric transplant recipients, and emerging parasitic infections in transplantation. The conference is aimed primarily at transplant clinicians with the expertise in infections and is intended to promote research and education in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of the infectious disease problems of the transplant recipient. Challenging cases will be discussed in special sessions led by a panel of experienced transplant ID specialists. Our annual TID conference always provides an excellent opportunity for colleagues to meet and for strangers to become friends. At the end of the day, the conference dinner reflects the spirit of friendship and cordiality that has always characterized our meetings. We look forward to a wonderful conference and seeing you in Montevideo! Michele I. Morris and Clarisse Machado Conference Co-Chairs   Click here to download the TID 2017 Final Program The Transplant Infectious Disease Section would like to thank Roche for supporting the 11th International Transplant Infectious Disease Conference through an educational grant.   Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel Conference Room, 4th Floor Plaza Independencia 759 Montevideo, Uruguay 11100 This conference is a pre-meeting of the International Transplant Congress from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Read more: TID 2017


  • 2019

    12th Conference

    November 13
    Festival City, Dubai • UAE
    (click here to view recordings)
  • 2018

    Pre-Congress Workshop
    at TTS the 2018 International Congress

    July 1
    Madrid • Spain
    (click here to view recordings)
  • 2017

    11th Conference

    September 2
    Montevideo • Uruguay
  • 2016

    10th Conference

    August 18
    Hong Kong
    (click here to view recordings)
  • 2015

    9th Conference

    October 13
    Cancun • Mexico
    (click here to view recordings)
  • 2014

    8th Conference

    May 9
    Barcelona • Spain
    (click here to view recordings)
  • 2013

    7th Conference

    September 7
    Vienna • Austria
    (click here to view recordings)
  • 2012

    6th Conference

    July 15
    Berlin • Germany
    (click here to view recordings)
  • 2011

    5th Conference

    September 3
    Glasgow • Scotland
    (click here to view recordings)
  • 2010

    4th Conference

    August 15
    Vancouver, BC • Canada
    (click here to view recordings)

Read more: TID Meetings



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