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A Case Study

61.1 - Adventures of Miss M

Presenter: Anne Marie, DeVoll-Zabrocki, Omaha, NE, USA
Authors: Anne Marie DeVoll-Zabrocki


Case study on a very challenging pediatric intestinal transplant patient and her “life adventures” at our transplant center.


Anne Marie DeVoll-Zabrocki earned an undergraduate degree in 1984 from Bellevue College and her bachelor of science in nursing in 1994 from Clarkson College.  She earned her MSN from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2004 and is currently working on her doctorate degree.  She has been caring for solid organ transplant patients since 1994.  She began her transplant career working with the adult liver and small bowel transplant patients.  She then transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and then on to become one of the pediatric transplant nurse coordinators for the transplant team.  She transitioned to her current position as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner for the Solid Organ Transplant team at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2004.  She works mainly in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit caring for liver, small bowel and intestinal rehabilitation patients.

Anne has presented both nationally and internationally, as an invited speaker and abstract presenter.  She has co-authored several articles on pediatric intestinal transplantation.   She is a member of the Intestinal Transplant Association, American Society of Transplant Surgeons, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, North American Transplant Coordinators Organization and Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society.  She lectures for three local colleges and mentors nurse practitioner students.  She most recently was awarded the American Society of Transplant Surgeons Advanced Transplant Provider Award in January 2014.

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