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Organ Donation in Brazil

67.1 - Organ Donation in Brazil

Presenter: Eduardo, Rocha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Authors: Eduardo Rocha


Brazil has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the last decade. Meanwhile, organ donation has followed the same track. In spite of its large demographic and socio-economical differences observed in this 200-million-population continental country, the number of deceased donors has doubled in the last decade, approaching the rates of some European nations.

During this ISODP/TTS webinar, Prof. Eduardo Rocha, from Federal University Rio de Janeiro - who has lead the State’s Organ Procurement Organization (Programa Estadual de Transplantes) to triple its number of donors in only three years - will review and update some of the strategies utilized by health care managers from the Organ and Tissue donation community in Brazil, comparing it to the best practices observed in Europe and the US, based on the Spanish and American models.

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