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The Basics of Analysis of Transplant Registry Data

90.1 - The Basics of Analysis of Transplant Registry Data

Presenter: Dorry, Segev, Baltimore, MD, USA
Authors: Dorry Segev


Dorry Segev, MD, PhD, is a clinically active transp lant surgeon and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Surgery at Johns Hopkins University. His clinical interests include minimally invasive donor nephrectomy and incompatible kidney transplan tation. His NIH-funded research interests span many areas in transplantation, including kidney exc hange, desensitization, long-term donor risk, acces s to transplantation, geographic disparities, post-tr ansplant outcomes, and the intersection between transplantation and gerontology. With a graduate de gree in biostatistics, Dr. Segev focuses on novel statistical and mathematical methods for simulation of medical data, analysis of large healthcare datasets, and outcomes research. Dr. Segev has published over 200 peer-reviewed rese arch articles, including 10 in JAMA, NEJM, and Lancet and nearly 100 in the American Journal of Tr ansplantation. His work has directly influenced policy, including two Congressional bills (the Norw ood Act for kidney exchange and the HOPE Act for HIV-to-HIV transplants), and is regularly featured in widely read media including TIME magazine, Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times. However, Dr . Segev is most inspired by his role as a mentor, having mentored over 50 graduate students, resident s, and faculty, and is the only general surgeon in the US funded by an NIH/NIDDK Mentoring Grant.

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