2016 - IPTA Fellows Meeting

This page contains exclusive content for the member of the following sections: TTS, IPTA

General Session

10.16 - Transitition from Pediatric to Adult Transplant Care

Presenter: Christian, Benden, Zurich, Switzerland

Recommended reading:

Meeting Report doi: 10.1111/j.1600-6143.2008.02415.x
Adolescent Transition to Adult Care in Solid Organ Transplantation: A consensus conference report
L. E. Bella,∗, S. M. Bartoshb, C. L. Davisc, F. Dobbelsd, A. Al-Uzrie, D. Lotsteinf, J. Reissg, V. R. Dharnidharkah on behalf of the conference
Transition of care from pediatric to adult-oriented health care providers is difficult for children with special health care needs. Children who have received solid organ transplants and their providers experience the same difficulties and frustrations as children with other major illnesses. A consensus conference was organized by several transplant organizations to identify major issues in this area and recommend possible approaches to easing the process of transition for solid organ transplant recipients. This report summarizes the discussions and recommendations.

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