Dear Colleagues,

The IPITA, IXA and CTRMS are pleased to announce the Call for Hosting for the 3rd Joint Congress of our associations. The Congress will take place in 2021 and will continue a history of successful joint congresses that took place in 2007 and 2015. The 2015 Congress in Melbourne, Australia attracted over 600+ participants from 30 different countries and we are eager to host a large Congress again in 2021.

The requirements to submit a bid to host the 2021 Joint Congress of IPITA, IXA and CTRMS can be found below and we encourage each member to consider this opportunity. The Councils will consider bids from geographic regions outside of Europe due to the locations of each association’s congress in 2019.If you have any questions regarding the requirements of the proposal or would like additional information, please contact the TTS Director of Operations, Sondra Livingston at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Prof. Thierry Berney, President - IPITA
Prof. Leo Bühler, President - IXA
Dr. Robert Fisher, President - CTRMS

The IPITA, IXA and CTRMS Councils have agreed that the 2021 biennial meeting will be Joint meeting of the three societies. Traditionally the congresses of these societies are held separately during alternate years of the TTS Congress; IPITA, IXA and CTRMS have held two joint Congresses in 2007 and again in 2015.

The Joint Congress will bring together clinicians and scientists from all parts of the world in their respective fields of work. Through invited plenary lectures, oral communications, and poster presentations, the very latest advances in the fields are presented and discussed, and friendships and collaborations developed and nurtured.

In view of the locations of recent past Congresses, the Council would like to encourage applications from North, Central and South America and Asia. The Societies will not be seeking applications from organizations within Europe.


The International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association is a scientific forum for the exchange and discussion of clinical and experimental results and experiences relevant to transplantation of insulin producing tissue in the treatment and cure of diabetes mellitus.


Year Congress Location Congress Chair
2019 17th IPITA Congress Lyon, France Xavier Martin
2017 16th IPITA Congress Oxford, United Kingdom Paul Johnson
2015 15th (IPITA/IXA/CTS Joint Congress) Melbourne, Australia Tom Kay
2013 14th IPITA Congress Monterey, CA, USA Peter Stock
2011 13th IPITA Congress Prague, Czech Republic Frantisek Saudek
2009 12th (IPITA/IXA Joint Congress) Venice, Italy Emanuele Cozzi
2007 11th (IPITA/IXA/CTS Joint Congress) Minneapolis, USA Bernhard Hering
2005 10th IPITA Congress Geneva, Switzerland Thierry Berney
2003 9th IPITA Congress Dublin, Ireland David Hickey
2001 8th IPITA Congress Innsbruck, Austria Raimund Margreiter
1999 7th IPITA Congress Sydney, Australia Jeremy Chapman


The International Xenotransplantation Association (IXA) was established at the Montreal '98 Congress of The Transplantation Society, with the aim of providing a forum for those with a special interest in xenotransplantation.

The IXA’s mission is to promote xenotransplantation as a safe, ethical, and effective therapeutic modality by: 1) fostering the science of xenotransplantation through promotion of ethical clinical and pre-clinical research, productive discourse, and collaboration; 2) educating health care providers and lay persons through broad, representative participation in interactive public debate; and 3) guiding the development of scientifically sound, internationally consistent public policy that is responsive to new developments in the field and acknowledges varying social, ethical and legal frameworks.


Year Congress Location Congress Chair
2019 15th IXA Congress Munich, Germany Eckhard Wolf
2017 14th IXA Congress Baltimore, Maryland Agnes Azimzadeh
2015 13th (IPITA/IXA/CTS Joint Congress) Melbourne, Australia Tom Kay
2013 12th IXA Congress Osaka, Japan Shuji Myiagawa
2011 11th (IXA/CTS Joint Congress) Miami, USA Camillo Ricordi
2009 10th (IXA/IPITA Joint Congress) Venice, Italy Emanuele Cozzi
2007 9th (IPITA/IXA/CTS Joint Congress) Minneapolis, USA Bernhard Hering
2005 8th IXA Congress Goteborg, Sweden Michael Breimer
2003 7th IXA Congress Glasgow, UK Robert Lechlet
2001 6th IXA Congress Chicago, USA Joseph Leventhal


The Cell Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Society exists to be the leader in developing and translating, safe cellular and regenerative therapies to patients. The Society will promote research, collaboration and focus on regulatory matters, as they relate to clinical translation.

The Society’s objectives are 1) The Society shall promote and encourage education and research with respect to cellular transplantation and regenerative medicine. 2) The Society shall collaborate with existing public and private organizations to promote and encourage education and research in cellular transplantation and regenerative medicine and will participate and assist in the coordination of efforts or formulation of research and clinical programs.


Year Congress Location Congress Chair
2019 15th CTRMS Congress Lesvos, Greece Maria Koulmanda
2017 14th CTRMS Congress (new name) Halifax, Canada Robert Fisher
2015 13th (IPITA/IXA/CTS Joint Congress) Melbourne, Australia Tom Kay
2013 12th CTS Congress Milan, Italy Livio Luci
2011 11th (IXA/CTS Joint Congress) Miami, USA Camillo Ricordi
2009 10th CTS Congress Okayama, Japan Naoya Kobayashi
2007 9th (IPITA/IXA/CTS Joint Congress) Minneapolis, USA Bernhard Hering
2005 8th CTS Congress Milano, Italy Antonio Secchi
2004 7th CTS Congress Boston, USA Gordon Weir
2003 6th CTS Congress Atlanta, USA Colin Weber
2001 7th CTS Congress Keystone, CO, USA Ronald Gill
1999 4th CTS Congress Montreux, Switzerland Philippe Morel

The Local Organizing Committee organizes the Congress in partnership with the IPITA, IXA and CTRMS. The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is typically composed of professionals involved in the field of islet, pancreas, xenotransplantation and cell transplantation community in their respective region or country and will work closely with the Congress Board made up of members of the council of all three Societies. Aside from operational and legal responsibilities, the LOC assumes a major role in raising funds for the Congress and must be committed to assuming a portion of the financial risk/benefit of organizing the Congress.

The Local Organizing Committees must demonstrate that they are:
  • Paid members of IPITA/IXA/CTRMS. Specifically, the Chairman of the LOC must be an active member in good standing (dues paid) at the time of submitting the proposal until the conclusion of the event;
  • Able to undertake and manage key elements of the Congress. Demonstrated previous experience by the Chair in organizing other meetings is required;
  • Capable of promoting, organizing and hosting the Congress in a manner consistent with the Societies previous Congresses, including adherence to quality standards of content, organization and additional Society principles with regard to the treatment of sponsors, ethical policy and communication.
  • Legally permitted to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to host the Congress and carry out all contracts and negotiations. The MOU will underline obligations of all parties involved.

Each LOC preparing a bid to host will be requested to participate in a 30-minute conference call with representatives of the three Societies to present the operational and strategic details of the bid as outlined below:

The description should include: the size of the city and population, access for international delegates, distance from the airport to the city, and sample flight costs from major capitals.

Typically, the meeting has been held between May and October (excluding July/August) and usually extends 5 days, including a half-day of pre-symposium sessions.

Specifications concerning the following items are recommended to be included in the bid:

  • Meeting Rooms
    • Floor plans and room capacities
    • Photographs of the proposed space
  • Food and Beverage
    Facility availability and estimated costs for food and beverage including continental breakfast, coffee breaks, lunch and social events
  • Equipment
    • Audio-visual packages for the proposed venue
    • Internet/Wi-Fi costing
  • Nearby Conveniences
    • Restaurants and/or other venues for social receptions
    • Access and recommendations of public transportation
  • References
    Recommendations of social venues for Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner(s) should be described with approximate costs and guest capacities.

Include a list of a range of accommodations from three to five star categories. The hotel name and price range should be included in the bid document. Distances from hotels to the venue should be provided.

A general description of the local organization or institution, containing their previous Congress organizing experience, along with local or national transplant society partner(s) that can promote and support the Congress should be comprised in the bid. The Chairman and key contact person, along with other members of the national transplant community should be listed.

All items listed in the attached budget template must be completed in order to be considered. Other items such as communications, promotion and local contract costs may be estimated but will not be factored into the final analysis. The TTS office can provide a sample of past Congress budgets upon request to support the development of a draft budget for the proposal.

The host organization will begin the promotion of this meeting on its website with the signing of the Congress MOU. Invitations for abstracts will be sent to all members and posted on the Congress and Societies websites. Registration and abstract submission tools, linked to the Congress website should be developed and organized by a Professional Conference Organizer (PCO), which may include services provided by the TTS office in collaboration with a local PCO. Ongoing website maintenance and promotional material updates should be completed by the Congress PCO.

IPITA requires the following specific sessions to be included in the Congress Scientific Program and its preliminary drafts:

  • IPITA business meeting/travel Awards presentation (60 minutes)
  • IPITA Presidential Lecture (30 minutes)
  • The Richard Lillehei Lecture (45 minutes)
  • Derek Gray Fellowship Award and Presentation (30 minutes)
  • The Paul Lacy Memorial Lecture (45 minutes)
IXA requires the following specific sessions to be included in the Congress Scientific Program and its preliminary drafts:

  • IXA Business meeting/Travel Awards presentation (60 minutes)
  • IXA Presidential Lecture (45 minutes)
  • The Keith Reemtsma Lecture (45 minutes)
  • IXA Honorary Member Lecture (30 minutes)
CTRMS requires the following specific sessions be included in the program of the meeting and any preliminary program should include these sessions for consideration of timing and placement in the program by the Council of the CTRMS:
  • CTRMS business meeting/travel awards presentation (60 minutes)
  • CTRMS Presidential lecture (30 minutes)

IPITA, IXA and CTRMS are Sections of The Transplantation Society, as such the office of the TTS provides management and congress organization services to the three Societies. Any LOC preparing a bid to host the Joint Congress should be willing to work with the TTS International Headquarters to successfully plan and execute the Joint Congress of the IPITA/IXA/CTRMS. The role and cost for services provided by TTS will be defined further during the bid presentations of selected destinations.

PLEASE NOTE: Bids will not be accepted from Conference bureaus or Professional Conference Organizers unless they are working directly with an institution, transplant society or local organizing committee.

Actions Deadline
Letter of intent to submit a bid. Letters of intent should be sent to the attention of Sondra Livingston, Director of Operations at the TTS office, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. January 13th, 2019
Deadline to submit your complete proposal. March 1st, 2019
Presentations of the complete proposal in person or by Skype to the associations’ representatives. April-May 2019
Final selection of the bid to host 2021 Joint Congress. The Councils of the three associations will review and determine the winning destination. June 2019

All proposals should contain the following information along with all aforementioned requirements mentioned in this document. Should you have any questions regarding the bid submission or process please contact Sondra Livingston, Director of Operations at the TTS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at +1.514.874.1717 ext. 205.