Education and Regulation Committee

The purpose of the Education and Regulation Committee is to foster worldwide advancement of management of intestinal failure and advocate for the establishment of new regulatory measures.
Goals and Objectives
Current Initiatives
  1. Increase awareness of the significant improvements in the short and long-term management of intestinal failure among the transplant and non-transplant medical community, heath care providers and patients.

  2. Continual medical and surgical education worldwide, particularly in developing countries, to increase access to all different therapeutic modalities.

  3. Monitor and enhance the access of the intestinal candidates on the UNOS waiting list to the national deceased donor pool.

  4. Identify and address the regulatory barriers that prevent the advancement of the field of intestinal rehabilitation and transplantation.

  1. Launch a biannual Intestinal Transplant Association newsletter.

  2. Coordinate with the ITA Scientific Committee, web updates of new developments in the field.

  3. Link the ITA website to the online patient communities and related served organizations (Oley, short bowel syndrome, Crohn’s and Colitis, etc.) with the creation of understandable, patient-centric information (including webinars, slide sets, bibliographies, editorials) to become the worldwide definitive site for patient information and advocacy in intestinal failure.

  4. Launch a series of webinars.

  5. Establish a management algorithm and possible care path for the field of intestinal failure including the different surgical modalities of gut rehabilitation and visceral transplantation.

  6. Define and outline concepts of care for intestinal failure patients and develop a mechanism for wide distribution to primary providers.

Education and Regulation Committee 2017-2019
  • Geoffery Bond, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
  • Thiago Beduschi, Miami, FL, USA
  • Simon Horslen, Seattle, WA, USA
  • Kishore Iyer, New York, NY, USA
  • Cal Matsumoto, Washington, DC, USA
  • Jemma Mears, Birmingham, UK
  • David F. Mercer, Omaha, NE, USA
  • Debra Sudan, Durham, NC, USA

If you are interested in joining the Education and Regulation Committee, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.