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We are sad to announce the passing of a true pioneer, TTS Past-President and Medawar Laureate, Thomas E. Starzl. We have posted a statement from his family, link to online obituaries and some recent videos. A tribute article will be published in Transplantation.


Your Gateway to Transplantation Science and Education


We are pleased to share the latest changes and updates from Transplantation. Don't forget to use the feedback form to provide feedback!

tx newformat

New Article Format – What's in a name?

In our unending quest to be innovative and informative for our readers, we are planning a new article type. We need your help choosing a name. Use the suggestion link below. Follow the contest on @TransplantJrnl too!

This new publication type focuses on a single, well-described piece of research (not yet grown into a full research idea). It is an original work that describes novel technical developments and advances in existing methods or tools that have the potential and/or immediate impact on the transplantation field. All this in 250-500 words!

A key consideration for the name is that it should be short, so it can be promoted over social media. Names we like:

  • Frontrunner
  • Showcase
  • Vanguard
  • In Brief
  • Forefront
  • Nanoarticle


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Responsive Design and Member Access to Transplantation

We have a new look! Websites for Transplantation and Transplantation Direct are now device neutral. This means you can view the website from any device without needing to switch from mobile to desktop views, making for easier reading.

Improved search capabilities are coming soon. The new search service will yield more complete and relevant search results, faster and easier than before. Full text, multimedia and associated metadata from every journal issue will be indexed in one consistent and searchable database. Using text analytics and stochastic modeling, the new search service will deliver the most relevant content for your queries. We look forward to announcing the rollout date for both journals.

Member Access to Transplantation:

  • TTS Members in good-standing may access full articles on the journal through the link in the Members Area menu.
  • Simply login to your account and click the following link.

Access to Transplantation Direct:

  • Transplantation Direct is an Open-Access journal. All articles are open to the public.


Present Your Paper

In an effort to engage young transplant professionals and to expose them and their scientific work, Transplantation has launched a fun social media initiative: Present Your Paper (#PresentYourPaper). First authors (preferably <40 years old, but any first author is welcome) are encouraged to present via 1-minute video, papers that have been accepted for publication in Transplantation. Once reviewed and edited for format, the presentations will be sent out on Twitter to followers of the @TransplantJrnl. Inspired authors must create and film the video presentations themselves using a smartphone or camera. We look forward to receiving more #PresentYourPaper submissions! For more information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Check out those we’ve posted so far here.

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Social Media

Recently our editors looked at the impact of social media promotion and citation of promoted articles. Take a look at the interesting results here.

Follow us on Twitter and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to join our LinkedIn Transplant Professionals Group

tx tsc awards

Transplantation Science Awards: Nomination Submission Deadline June 30, 2017

The Transplantation Science Committee (TSC) of The Transplantation Society is once again accepting nominations for its annual awards to the best basic science and translational science published in Transplantation. Click here​ to download the application form.

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Exhibits coming up – ATC, ILTS

We’ll see you in Chicago for the American Transplant Congress, April 29-May 2.

Look for us also in Prague, May 24-27 for the International Liver Transplantation Society Congress.

Webinar for YOUR Fellows and Students


Peter Reese Transplant Nephrologist and Epidemiologist Associate Professor of Medicine University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Philadelphia, PA, USA


How to Write a Successful Clinical Science Grant

Peter Reese, Transplant Nephrologist and Epidemiologist, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA


In the News

Will we be able to cryogenically freeze organs one day?
Mar 1 - CNN - A milestone in cryobiology announced this week is literally heart-warming. A new nanoparticle technology warmed cryopreserved heart valves and blood vessels without damaging the tissues, found a study published Wednesday in the journal Science Translational Medicine. According to the researchers, this means that cryopreserving human hearts and kidneys in organ banks -- and making them available for later use in patients -- is finally within sight.
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Lung Transplant Breakthrough Doubles Time Donor Lungs Can Remain Outside the Body
Mar 2 - The Marshalltown - In what will prove to be a huge boon for lung transplant recipients, a new breakthrough enables donor lungs to be preserved for up to 20 hours – more than double the time – outside the body. The work, published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, is the result of the work carried out by Dr. Marcelo Cypel and colleagues wherein they demonstrated that instead of just 6-8 hours donor lungs can be preserved for up to 20 hours with the help of ex vivo lung perfusion thereby paving way for more transplants to be performed with greater flexibility in their timing.
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This Surgeon is Redefining the Possibilities of Organ Transplant Surgery
Feb. 28 - UVA Today -Robots have assisted in transplant surgeries for more than a decade in the United States, but Dr. Jose Oberholzer sees untapped possibilities for the technology. Having performed more than 1,000 transplant-related surgeries himself, Oberholzer is bringing his experience and his plans for innovation to the University of Virginia Health System.
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Timing of Anti-Donor Antibody Responses Affects the Survival of Kidney Transplants
Mar 2 - EurekAlert - New research provides insights on transplant recipients' antibody responses against donor kidneys and how the timing of those responses can have important implications. The findings appear in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN).
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Law Will Allow for Kidney Donations from Deceased Donors in the UAE
Feb. 26 - The National | UAE - Hospitals are collating lists of kidney failure patients who could be candidates for transplants using organs from deceased people. A law allowing transplants of dead people’s organs was issued last year by President Sheikh Khalifa and doctors hope it will be implemented next month.
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Qatar’s First Living Donor Liver Transplant an International Affair
Feb. 25 - Gulf Times - A team of 10 leading doctors and nurses from South Korea joined surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and technicians from Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) and spent 20 hours in the operating theatre at Hamad General Hospital late last year as they carried out the country’s first living donor liver transplantation.
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In a First, Jaipur Doctors Perform Pancreas Transplant
Feb. 25 - The Times of India - riday was a big day for Rajasthan in the field of organ transplant. City doctors performed transplant of not only heart, liver, kidneys but also pancreas transplant was conducted for the first time.
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Indian Government to Train 48 Doctors to Perform Organ Retrieval and Transplant Procedures
Mar 1 - India Today - The country's apex organ donation agency - The National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation - is set to train 48 doctors to perform organ retrieval and transplant procedures. As the country is facing an acute shortage of specialist organ transplant surgeons capable of doing organ retrieval from brain-dead patients, the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO), has found a way out.
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Lukashenko Urges to Consider Prospects of Building New Transplantation Center in Belarus
Feb. 28 - Belarus News -It is needed to consider the prospects of building a new center for the transplantation of organs and tissues in Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko gave a corresponding instruction during the visit to the National Research Center for Organ and Tissue Transplantation at Minsk City Hospital No. 9 on 28 February, BelTA has learned. “It is needed to analyze the cost of building an ultramodern center,” the head of state said.
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First Lung Transplant for Kid a Success in Vietnam
Feb. 23 - Saigon Giai Phong Daily - With the help of Japanese medical exports, medical workers of the Army Institute February 22 announced it has successfully conducted a lung transplant operation on a 6-year-old boy, the first such surgery in the Southeast Asian country.
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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Suite 1401
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7