
TTS 2018 - Register Early and Save big!

reggistration now open3

Registration benefits

  • Access to the sessions
  • Access to the exhibition area
  • Congress materials (printed pocket guide and web app)
  • Day time refreshment breaks and lunches
  • Attendance at the Welcome Reception
  • Madrid transportation pass

CLICK HERE to visit the congress website -

TTS 2018 - Networking Events

  • Opening Ceremonies & Welcome Reception (included in registration fee) - Sunday, July 1 - 18:00–20:00
  • Lunch & Learn Sessions (click for details) - July 2, 3 & 4
    The Lunch and Learn sessions are designed to provide knowledge, skills and tools to participants who aim at improving transplant outcomes through Lunch & Learn Sessions will feature a facilitator with a maximum of nine delegates. Sixty groups over three-days are planned. A reservation fee of $25 USD will apply to book your spot! Delegates will be limited to one Lunch & Learn to allow for maximum participation.
  • Women in Transplantation Event (Reservation Fee $15) - Tuesday, July 3 - 17:30–19:00
  • Young Investigators Event (Reservation Fee $25) - Tuesday, July 3 - 20:00–23:00
  • Congress Networking Event (Tickets $125) - Wednesday, July 4 - 20:00

TTS 2018 - Pre-Congress Program

You can maximize your learning and networking by joining us at the Post Graduate Course (PGC) and / or several Pre-Congress Workshops (PCW) on June 30 and July 1, 2018. The PGC suggests a variety of topics to students who just graduated or are currently studying. Additionally, you will be able to choose workshops (PCW) from a range of topics such us Nursing, Cell Transplantation, Xenotransplantation, Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, etc.

TTS 2018 Post-Graduate Course - Preliminary Program

Day 1 | June 30, 2018

  • Joint Session 1: Academic Survival Kit (Jeremy R. Chapman, Roslyn B. Mannon)
  • Clinical Science Session 1: The Transplant Fitting Room (Shaifali Sandal, Peter Nickerson, Dominique Martin)
    Basic Science Session 1: Innate Immune Response & Microbiome (Maria Koulmanda)
  • Clinical Science Session 2: Dealing with the Aftermath (Camille Kotton, Germaine Wong)
    Basic Science Session 2: T Cells (Gavin Pettigrew, Bernard Vanhov, Megan Sykes)
  • Clinical Science Session 3: Precision Thinking (Valeria Mas, Minnie Sarwal, Christophe Legendre, Teun van Gelder)
    Basic Science Session 3: B Cells and Innate Immune System (Olivier Thaunat, Jordi Ochando)

Day 2 | July 1, 2018

  • Clinical Science Session 4: Becoming Precise (Michael Mengel, Philip F. Halloran)
    Basic Science Session 4: Immune Regulation & Flow Standardisation (Megan Levings, Xian C. Li, Birgit Sawitzki)
  • Clinical Science Session 5: Clinical Crowdsourcing
    Basic Science Session 5: The Future of Organ Transplant Replacement (Anil Dhawan)
  • Joint Session 2: Future Look at Organ Shortage (Alfred J. Tector III )
  • Joint Session 3: Transplant Mathaton (Dorry Segev, Marcelo Cantarovich, Birgit Sawitzki)


Pre-Congress Courses

Day 1 | June 30, 2018

  • Virtual Global Transplantation Laboratory - TTS Transplantation Science Committee
    Overcoming Pitfalls in Immune Monitoring in Clinical Transplantation Trials: Perspectives From the Experts
    In this workshop we will have presentations and discussions regarding new developments in immune monitoring techniques that are relevant for assessing the immune status of patients receiving stem cell or organ transplants. In particular, we are interested in new techniques and in methods for standardizing testing.
  • World Transplant Games Federation and TTS Wellness Committee
    Optimizing Recovery after Solid Organ Transplant – The Role of Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport

    This symposium is designed to provide knowledge, skills and tools to participants who aim at improving transplant outcomes through exercise and physical activity. Participants will learn about the physical and psychological? impairments after transplant and the power of exercise and physical activity to mitigate these issues. The current evidence for pre-habilitation and re-habilitation around the world will be presented followed by practical examples of programs that have already embraced exercise training programs and physical activity promotion for transplant recipients. To conclude the symposium, a transplant recipient will introduce the audience to the WTGF Fit For Life program which is becoming available to all recipients as well as the benefits of this program.
  • TTS Women in Transplantation
    Advancing Women in Transplantation through Leadership and Advocacy of Issues Related to Sex and Gender

    This one-day program will cover topics such as addressing the need for advocacy, gender disparities in transplantation, what it means to be a successful woman in transplantation, new research on issues of sex and gender in transplantation and how to create a culture of academic success. The program will afford a series of interactive talks with audience participation.
    Basic Science Session 2: T Cells (Gavin Pettigrew, Bernard Vanhov, Megan Sykes)
  • Cell Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Society
    Cell Transplants vs. Stem Cell Therapy

    Cell therapy of diseased or failing organs is an area that has generated great interest in regenerative medicine. The choice of using isolated cells or stem cells varies between target organ and/or purpose. In this workshop we will discuss advantages and disadvantages of cell transplants vs stem cells.

Day 2 | July 1, 2018

  • Transplant Infectious Disease Section
    Optimizing Outcomes by Prevention and Management of Post-Transplant Infections

    The TID 2018 Pre-Congress Workshop is aimed primarily at transplant clinicians with the expertise in infections and to promote research and education in the prevention, diagnosis, clinical consequences, and management of the infectious disease problems of the transplant recipient.
  • International Xenotransplantation Association
    Xenotransplantation - Advancing to the Clinic

    The field of xenotransplantation has made significant progress over the last 5 years, with cell and organ graft survival in large animal models reaching almost 3 years. The aim of the workshop is to present the most recent advances and the outlook for the first clinical trials.
  • International Transplant Nurses Society and TTS Education Committee
    Transplantation Nursing 101

    This one-day symposium is designed for nurses, transplant coordinators, and members of allied health groups to become familiar with and update their knowledge about the principles of organ transplantation. Topics include transplant immunology, different aspects and new developments on heart, lung, kidney, pancreas, liver, and intestinal transplantation, infectious disease, and comprehensive care of transplant patients.
  • Declaration of Istanbul 10 Year Celebration
  • International Pediatric Transplant Association
    Key Issues in Paediatric Solid Organ Transplantation

    This workshop is aimed at the pediatric transplant community and concentrates on the latest developments in the field of pediatric transplant clinical and basic science topics as well as important complications including adherence, tumor risk and metabolic syndrome.


TTS 2018 - Challenging Cases Competition


Deadline: March 18, 2018

Are you involved in managing challenging transplant cases?
If yes, the Scientific Program Committee of the TTS 2018 congress in Madrid is inviting you to submit the most challenging case you were involved with.

The invitation is open to TTS and non-TTS members who are studying/training in any transplant related discipline (students, interns, residents, fellows or post-doctoral fellows). The submitters of the top three ranked cases will be invited to present these cases in a clinical crowdsourcing session at the post-graduate course (PGC) that will precede the TTS 2018 Congress. The winners will receive a complementary registration to the PGC and a Young Investigator Award of US $1000. Description of the case should not exceed 300 words.

CLICK HERE to submit your case!


TTS 2018 is now considering abstracts in the late-breaker and poster categories until FEBRUARY 15.

It is anticipated that the compilation of late breaker abstracts is made possible by studies completed after the initial November 15, 2017 abstract submission deadline. They are intended to represent the very latest development in transplantation science. These abstracts will be reviewed in a very finite period by a special review board, and accepted with the same stringent criteria as the Nov 2017 abstract submissions. The review criteria will be at par with the original call for abstracts in Nov 2017, but for late-breaking abstracts there will be a stronger focus on the criteria of "very latest development in the field of transplantation".


Trainee Tracks Webinar


Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 10AM EST (MONTREAL TIME)

How to become an Educator

Speaker: Alexander S. Niven
Internal Medicine Program Director, Director of Medical Education and Research, and Designated Institutional Official at Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, WA, USA

Click here for more information

Member OPINION Poll
2022 Congress Venue
Deadline February 5


TTS is seeking your opinion on your preferred location for the 29th International Congress of The Transplantation Society in 2022 to help the Congress Selection Committee decide between the three potential locations: Buenos Aires, Istanbul and Montreal. The final selection will be based on several factors, one of which is members' preference.

Members only - CLICK HERE for more information


The Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute is accepting nominations for the 2018 Thomas E. Starzl Prize in Surgery and Immunology, awarded annually to a national or international leader in the field of organ transplantation and immunology.

Deadline May 1, 2018 - Click for details

mTOR-inhibition and Clinical Transplantation
February Supplement - Transplantation



Transplantation Science Awards - Deadline May 31, 2018

The TTS Transplantation Science Committee together and Transplantation are pleased to announce the best manuscripts published by the journal in 2017. Named after two pioneering giants, a selection committee that included editors of Transplantation, The Transplantation Society, in addition to members and chairs of the Transplantation Science Committee will select two winners amongst a very competitive group of publications.

Click here for to nominate someone today!

Educational Library Latest Postings

Trends and challenges in liver transplantation:
Antibody Mediated Rejection in Liver Transplantation Part I - Role of DSA's and Treatment Options.

Discussants: Laura J. Wozniak, Jacqueline O'Leary; Moderator Udeme D Ekong


ISODP Webinar:
Quality Assessment of Kidneys for Transplantation – Truth or Dare

Speaker: Professor Sandy Feng; Moderator: Eduardo Rocha



Nanotherapy Breakthrough Destroys Tumors with Fewer Side-Effects

January 29 - In nanotherapy, particles measuring between a nanometer and a micrometer are used to deliver medicines to specific locations in the body, for example to destroy tumors with far fewer side-effects than traditional chemotherapy.

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89 New clinical study tests effectiveness of water to treat polycystic kidney disease

January 29 - A cheap, safe and effective treatment to polycystic kidney disease may soon be available, thanks to a new national clinical out of Westmead, Australia, which is trialing water to treat the disease.

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Researchers report racial and ethnic differences in live donor kidney transplants

January 24 - Despite efforts over the past two decades to increase the number of black and Hispanic patients receiving kidney transplants from related or unrelated living donors, these racial/ethnic minority patients are still much less likely to undergo such transplants than white patients, Johns Hopkins researchers report.

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Repurposed Drug Found to be Effective against Zika Virus

January 25 - Researchers say findings support further investigation as potential treatment for Zika-infected adults. In both cell cultures and mouse models, a drug used to treat Hepatitis C effectively protected and rescued neural cells infected by the Zika virus — and blocked transmission of the virus to mouse fetuses.

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Scientists culture human placenta stem cells for first time

January 24 - Scientists have derived and grown trophoblast stem cells for the first time, which will lead to better understanding of the human placenta.

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Gene therapy using CAR T cells could provide long-term protection against HIV

January 25 - A UCLA-led research team has created blood-forming stem cells that can carry a gene that allows the body to produce cells that can detect and destroy HIV-infected cells.

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Discovery may advance neural stem cell treatments for brain disorders

January 24 - ew research reveals a novel gene regulatory system that may advance stem cell therapies and gene-targeting treatments for neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and mental health disorders that affect cognitive abilities.

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Qatar plans to set up stem cell donor registry

January 25 - The National Centre for Cancer Care and Research (NCCCR) will focus on establishing a stem cell donor registry in Qatar amid plans to perform at least 20 stem cell transplantations annually, says a senior official.

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New Patch Can Heal Heart Muscle After Heart Attack

January 28 - A patch that reinforces the heart after a heart attack seemed to work well in a recent clinical trial involving pigs. How will it work in humans?

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Scientists find way to grow muscle-restoring cells in vitro

January 28 - Japanese researchers said they found a way to culture in vitro special cells that can regenerate damaged muscle fibers, a development that could lead to cures for difficult-to-treat conditions.

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Researchers develop stem cell cure for lung ailments

January 28 - Researchers have developed a gene-based stem cell therapy to treat lung injury and severe lung ailments like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

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From stem cells to a functional heart—the role of the Mesp1 gene

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Method assesses how well dialysis clinics refer patients for transplantation

January 25 - A new method may be useful for assessing dialysis facilities' performance concerning referrals to transplant centers. The method, which is described in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN), may help improve patients' chances of receiving potentially life-saving kidney transplants.

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Hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion reduces bile duct injury after liver transplantation

January 26 - Dual hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion, or DHOPE, reduced ischemia-reperfusion injury of bile ducts after transplantation with donation after circulatory death livers, according to a recently published study.

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Startup receives FDA clearance for polymer to aid bone regrowth

January 26 - A biotechnology startup enabled by UC Davis, Molecular Matrix Inc., has received Food and Drug Administration clearance for a carbohydrate-based polymer that can help injured bones heal and regrow.

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Drug-releasing transplants combat rejection in mice

January 29 - Researchers attach anti-inflammatory drug to the surface of pancreatic islet transplants using click chemistry

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Leiden researcher makes new breakthrough in nanotherapy

January 29 - Nanoparticles that transport medicines to a specific part of the human body are usually broken down in the liver prematurely. Jeroen Bussmann from Leiden University has discovered a new method to prevent this from happening. Publication in ACS Nano.

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NYU Langone Health Launches New Lung Transplant Program

January 29 - The Transplant Institute at NYU Langone Health has launched a new lung transplant program, the third program of its kind in the greater New York City area, expanding regional access to this specialized level of care.

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German patients turn to Croatia for organ donations

January 29 - The number of people willing to donate organs in Germany has hit an all-time low. Patients in the country are increasingly dependent on a European cross-border organ exchange program.

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Senators to debate controversial organ donor bill, vote is next week

January 30 - The Dutch senate will today debate plans to establish a ‘yes unless’ system for donor organs in the Netherlands, 18 months after the legislation was approved by the lower house.

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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Suite 1401
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7