Newsletter 2015 Volume 12 - Issue 1

President’s Message

In April I had the pleasure of attending the 20th Anniversary meeting of the Hong Kong Society of Transplantation. Although a relatively small group, they have been leaders in medical education and transplant medicine within Asia. Also present was Vasant Sumethkul, Kriengsak Vareesangthip and other members of the Thai Transplantation Society Council in a spirit of co-operation for the upcoming 2016 meeting. Whilst at the meeting, I had the opportunity to meet with the local liaison committee to discuss plans for the upcoming international congress of our Society that will be held in Hong Kong in 2016. Plans are well advanced and all the relevant committees have been set up and tasks allocated. The visit also gave me an opportunity to familiarize myself with the city once again. The site of the congress centre on Victoria Harbor makes for a magnificent setting right in the heart of one of the most vibrant and safe cities in Asia.

President Philip J. O’Connell and attendees at the 20th Anniversary Meeting of the Hong Kong Society of Transplantation (HKST).

(front row, left to right) Mrs. Belinda O’Connell, Prof. Philip J. O’Connell, Prof. Yonson Ku, Mrs. Ku, Mrs. Chan, and Dr. C.C. Luk (Chief Executive of Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong). (back row) Prof. Adisorn Lumpaopong (Thai T.S.), Dr. Stanley Lo (Host Country Liaison Committee (HCLC) member), Dr. Wei-Leung Chak (HKST President, member of the TTS 2016 Scientific Committee), Dr. Ka-Foon Chau (HCLC member), Prof. Vasant Sumeethkul (Thai T.S., member of the TTS 2016 Executive Committee), Dr. Kwok-Lung Tong (HCLC member), Prof. Kriengsak Vareesangthip (Thai T.S. President, member of the TTS 2016 Finance Committee), Mrs. Vareesangthip, Dr. Cindy Choy (HCLC member), Prof. See-Ching Chan (Immediate Past President of HKST, member of TTS 2016 Executive Committee), and Dr. William Lee (Vice-President of HKST, member of TTS 2016 Finance Committee)

The visit to Hong Kong was an excellent lead up to the planning of the program for 2016 Congress. The program committee led by Jeremy Chapman met with all the sub-committee chairs in Philadelphia during the American Transplant Congress. Most of the themes for the meeting are well advanced and there was an excellent response from the membership to a call for topics and symposia. These suggestions have been passed on to the wider program committee and the difficult task of finalising the formal program is ongoing. As the meeting takes shape, there will be ongoing updates on the web-site and I urge you all to visit it to find out the latest developments.

[Transplantation Direct’s] mission is to capture specialist and general transplant-related publication material as well as important publications such as guidelines and registry reports that often are not cited in the medical literature and can be difficult to access

In addition to the planning of the 2016 Congress, the Council and Executive Committee have been busy with the business of the Society and furthering our mission of science, education and public policy. Earlier this year, there were two important events for the Society. First was the launch of the first issue of Transplantation Direct (see advertisement in this issue of Tribune). This is a new open access journal that is a joint initiative of TTS and Wolters Kluwer Health. Its mission is to capture specialist and general transplant-related publication material as well as important publications such as guidelines and registry reports that often are not cited in the medical literature and can be difficult to access. The journal is very much seen as a adjunct to Transplantation. We have been very fortunate in recruiting Edward Geissler as editor of Transplantation Direct. The editorial team is linked very closely with the new editorial team of Transplantation which is now under the direction of Jeremy Chapman. The reform of the editorial structure for Transplantation and the launch of Transplantation Direct has been a major boost to our promotion of Science and Education. The second issue of the journal has just been released and can be accessed by the following web address:

an important initiative [between TTS and IPTA] will be to develop new members in Asia and other developing regions where pediatric transplant recipients are often under the care of an adult-based health care worker

The second important event was the official partnership between TTS and the International Pediatric Transplantation Association (IPTA). Following their congress in San Francisco on March 28-31, IPTA joined as an official Section of TTS. This brings advantages to both societies. IPTA now operates under the wider transplant umbrella of TTS with access to extensive educational material and expertise in science and public policy. For TTS, this brings to the Society an important area of expertise that had been under-represented within our membership. An important initiative will be to develop new members in Asia and other developing regions where pediatric transplant recipients are often under the care of an adult-based health care worker. The opportunity now exists to foster this important subspecialty within these new regions and with it improve the outcomes for some of our most vulnerable of patients. Personally, I would like to thank Ron Shapiro (Immediate Past President of IPTA) for his vision in making this happen and I would like to welcome Dr. Burkhard Tönshoff and the new IPTA Council to the greater family that is TTS.

As we move forward, there are many challenges and opportunities for the Society. In June, the Council will have its retreat to discuss future strategies and initiatives that we hope to bring to fruition in 2016. We have plans to reinvigorate research and development in clinical trails of immunosuppression and we are fully aware that there are many unmet clinical needs in this area. After a period of rapid development, there is now a feeling that momentum in clinical transplantation is lagging at a time when it should be flourishing. In the coming months, I hope to tell you of new initiatives that TTS is developing to reinvigorate interest in our specialty and allow transplant patients to gain from the future benefits of personalized medicine.

Project Notify

On the 23rd to 25­­th February, the WHO consultation on vigilance and surveillance for medical products of human origin, otherwise known as the NOTIFY project. This project aims to provide an additional layer of medical vigilance against disease transmission following organ and tissue transplantation. The main asset of the project is the NOTIFY Library which houses all known reported and published cases of disease transmission after transplantation and after exposure to other products of human origin. Collecting all this medical information in a single “Library” is an important tool in risk stratification following organ transplantation and allows clinicians, organ procurement agencies and regulatory authorities to quickly access rare but vital information that has the capacity to impact on policy and decision making around organ donation and allocation. It is a large task, which is being led very capably by Dr. Alessandro Nanni Costa, who is director of the National Transplant Center in Rome. As time goes on, the Library has become an excellent resource for identifying donor diseases and conditions that can be transmitted by transplantation, and is an important tool for evaluating transplantation risk. This is particularly true in regions where national regulatory oversight and surveillance is less well developed and these decisions remain more in the hands for clinicians. The major events that are highlighted by the NOTIFY Library are serious adverse reactions involving infectious, malignancy or breaches of process. If you have not already done so, you are urged to visit the NOTIFY Library at It is an open access tool with thousands of articles covering serious adverse reactions involving tissues, cells and organs of human origin.

Turkic World Transplantation Society

The Transplantation Society would like to inform all its members of the establishment of a new transplantation society, the Turkic World Transplantation Society (TDTD). Founded by Professor Mehmet Haberal, TDTD was formally registered on December 15, 2014.

The aim of the TDTD is to create an arena of communication and collaboration in the field of organ transplantation among the Turkic States of the world: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

To this end, the primary goals of TDTD are:

  • To promote and encourage education, research and cooperation in the field of organ transplantation for the purpose of advancing the art and science of transplantation, and to serve the patients of these states through the application of new knowledge and technical advances;
  • To create a scientific forum for the discussion of all problems related to the field of transplantation, including medical, social and legal aspects;
  • To collaborate with existing public and private organizations to promote and encourage research and clinical applications related to transplantation, and to participate and assist in the promotion of organ procurement and donation;
  • To encourage meetings, symposia and congresses to fulfill the above objectives.

By facilitating this new level of cooperation, TDTD will pave the way for citizens of all involved countries to have access to medical care of the highest standard, within a framework of ethical and socially conscious legislation.

Prof. Haberal organized the first Executive Committee Meeting of the TDTD on January 29, 2015 in Ankara and the 1st Congress of the Society in Astana, Kazakhstan during May 20-22, 2015.

Membership: New Affiliated Societies

The Asian Society of Transplantation was founded over 30 years ago. Its first congress was held in Bali Island, Indonesia, in 1989 and has since then evolved into an organization with over 3000 members. Its vision is to provide growth of transplantation in the continent of Asia through scientific knowledge, clinical practice and continuing education with emphasis on the ethical practice of transplantation.

The Mexican Transplant Society has as its objectives the study of topics related to the transplantation of organs and tissues, as well as related branches; scientific investigation, the improvement of techniques, the progress of this discipline and the development of educational tasks; and the improvement of its members on the technical, cultural, moral and ethic aspects of the field.

  • Asian Society of Transplantation (AST)
  • Asociacion Guatemalteca de Nefrologia
  • Associacao Brasileira de Transplante de Orgaos (ABTO)
  • Asociacion Colombiana de Trasplantes de Organos (ACTO)
  • Austrotransplant
  • Belgian Transplantation Society (BTS)
  • British Transplantation Society (BTS)
  • Canadian Society of Transplantation/
  • Société canadienne de transplantation (CST)
  • Deutschen Transplantationsgesellschaft
  • International Transplant Nurses Society (ITNS)
  • Nederlandse Transplantatie Vereniging (NTV)
  • Regional Health Development Center (RHDC)
  • Croatia on Organ Donation and Transplant Medicine
  • Sociedad Argentina de Trasplantes (SAT)
  • Sociedad Chilena de Trasplante
  • Sociedad Espanola de Trasplante (SET)
  • Sociedad Mexicana de Trasplantes (SMT)
  • Società Italiana Trapianti d'Organo (SITO)
  • Societat Catalana de Trasplantament (SCT)
  • Southern African Transplantation Society (SATS)
  • The Japan Society for Transplantation (JST)
  • The Korean Society for Transplantation
  • The Swedish Transplantation Society
  • Swisstransplant Society (STS)
  • Thai Transplantation Society
  • Transplant Society of Pakistan
  • Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ)
  • Turkish Transplantation Centers Coordination Association
  • Urologic Society for Transplantation and Renal Surgery
Education Committee: New Educational Programs

TTS Education and CME Committee is pleased to announce the launch of three new educational programs: the Advanced Renal Transplantation, Trainee Tracks, and the Transplantation Journal webinar series.

The programs can be accessed live on pre-announced dates and times, and will also be available for later viewing by TTS members on the TTS webpage

The Advanced Renal Transplantation series has been prepared by a working group led by Dr. Medhat Askar and Dr. Nithya Krishnan, in cooperation with Dr. Ifeoma Ulasi and Dr. Sukru Emre. We plan to expand to offer additional series on Heart/Lung, Liver, Pancreas, VCA and other certifications. The first three topics under Advanced Renal Transplantation are:

  • Role of the Histocompatibility Laboratory in Solid Organ Transplantation circa 2015
    by Dr. Howard Gebel - recording now online!
  • Immunosuppression
    Dr. Stanley Gordon - Tuesday, July 14, 19:00 UTC
  • Infectious Diseases
    by Dr. Jay Fishman - Tuesday, August 11, 11:00 UTC

The Trainee Tracks series has been prepared by the working group led by Dr. Millie Samaniego, in cooperation with Dr. Teun van Gelder and Dr. Kenji Yuzawa. This series will kick-off with the following topics (dates to be announced):

  • How to Write a Successful Basic Science Grant
    by Dr. Kathryn Wood
  • Clinico-Pathological Conference - Antibody- Medicated Rejection in Kidney Transplantation
    by Dr. Millie Samaniego and Dr. Evan Farkash

The Transplantation Journal series is coordinated by Dr. Medhat Askar and Dr. Stefan Tulius. The first topic is entitled “Global Virtual Laboratory (GVL)” by Dr. Edward Geissler (recording now online!).

In addition to the webinars series, Dr. Josette Eris is leading a working group in charge of the Transplant Library, with Dr. Elmi Muller, Dr. Seema Baid-Agarwal, Dr. Rudolf Garcia-Gallont, Dr. Xunrong Luo, Dr. Ramesh Prasad and Dr. Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze.

Education Committee: STALYC Values TTS Support

Dr. Marcelo Cantarovich, TTS Vice President and Co-Chair of the Education Committee, represented TTS at the STALYC executive meeting in Philadelphia on May 4, 2015

For the past 3 years, TTS has facilitated webinars in Spanish, organized by the Argentinean Transplant Society (SAT).

The goal is to extend the access to present webinars (in their mother tongue), to all the Latin American Transplantation Societies. Other educational activities will be considered.

TTS Education Committee has also coordinated webinars with the Canadian Society of Transplantation, and is planning to offer this service to other TTS affiliated Societies.   

Marcelo Cantarovich and participants of the STALYC Executive Meeting 

(front row, left to right) Dr. Alejandro Miño-Murcia, Dr. Mireya Ortiz, Dr. Carmen Gracida, Dr. Josefina Alberu (back row) Dr.Sergio Orihuela , Dr. Marcelo Cantarovich, Dr. Domingo Casadei, Dr. Ashley Baquero, Dr. Rafael Reyes, Dr. Francisco Gonzalez

Ethics Committee: Research and Collaboration

working groups have been formed to explore a number of ethical topics in donation and transplantation

Since the new Ethics Committee was convened in late 2014, members of the Committee have formed working groups to explore a number of ethical topics in donation and transplantation. Throughout the year, the Committee will be investigating issues including end-of-life care, publication of research in transplantation, and psychosocial evaluation of living organ donors. Riadh Fadhil and Elizabeth Pomfret are chairing the working group on psychosocial evaluation of living donors, and will soon be inviting members of the Society to participate in a survey on this topic. Trainee nephrologist Lucy Wynter is providing valuable assistance with this research project.

In collaboration with Jacqueline Chin from the National University of Singapore, the Committee is also preparing a joint TTS-AST ethics session at the upcoming Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation in Singapore (CAST), with the support from TTS and AST. This session will focus on psychosocial evaluation of living donors and the role of ethical guidelines in different regions. An Ethics Committee networking event will also be held during CAST. We expect the members from both societies to attend this important session and to meet with members of Ethics Committee.

The report from The Transplantation Society meeting on paediatric deceased donation, which was held last year in Geneva, will soon be published in Transplantation. Dissemination of the key recommendations from this report has already begun with poster presentations at the recent IPTA meeting and the joint Congress of the British Transplantation Society and Nederlandse Transplantatie Vereniging.

The Ethics Committee welcomes suggestions from TTS members regarding areas of interest or concern in transplantation ethics, and offers opportunities for the submission of conference programs. Please get in touch with the Committee Chairs if you would like to know more about our work.

Beatriz Domínguez-Gil (Chair): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dominique Martin (Vice-Chair): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Transplantation Science Committee: “The Meeting Of The Year”

partnered with a group international societies, the 14th Transplantation Science Symposium (TSS) boasts an outstanding basic and translational science program

The Abstract submission and registration for the 14th Transplantation Science Symposium (TSS) in Lorne, Australia, is now open!

Please mark this as “The Meeting of the Year” in your calendar! Fly into Melbourne and take the Great Ocean Road, in the state of Victoria, to the breathtaking location of Lorne. Chaired by Stephen Alexander and Shane Grey, the Organizing Committee of the TSS has put together a one-of-a-kind meeting. We will have two Keynote Speakers: recipient of the 1996 Nobel Prize, Professor Peter Doherty; and the 2015 Canada Gairdner International Award recipient, Professor Simon Sakaguchi. We have eight state-of-the-art sessions and two round-table discussions on Biomarkers and on Composite Tissue Transplantation—from Bench to Bedside. There will also be a special Transplantomics session. We are particularly proud that we have been able to partner with the Asian and Japanese Transplant Societies, ESOT, TSANZ, MESOT, ISHLT, ASRT and ILTS to put together this outstanding basic and translational science program.

Registration for the Global Virtual Laboratory (GVL) Workshop is also open! This 2.5-hour workshop on November 11, 2015 takes place just before the start of the TSS meeting, and will feature experts discussing consensus protocols that have been rigorously validated for the monitoring of alloimmune responses in human transplant patients. There will be a Q&A session where participants can discuss their problems and solutions.

Over 20 travel awards and Mentee-Mentor Awards will be available to support deserving trainees’ attendance to the TSS. Also of note, the joint IPITA, IXA and CTS Congress will take place in Melbourne from November 15 -19. 2015, just after the TSS.

Early registration deadline will be August 28, 2015. See you in November in beautiful Lorne!

Transplantation Science Committee

The TSC is extremely pleased that Professors Leslie B. Brent and Anthony Monaco have agreed to have these awards named in their honor. The awards comprise a certificate and $1000 USD to the first author(s).

Self-applications and nominations by the award selection committee members or by members of the Editorial Board of Transplantation will be accepted.

How to Apply

Application and nominations can be addressed to:

The Transplantation Society
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline for applications is August 30, 2015.

Eligibility requirements are:

  • First and senior authors must be current members of TTS
  • Work must be original, innovative, and have strong impact on the field of transplantation. Reviews or overviews are not eligible
  • 1 application per year from each first and senior author

Membership of the award selection committee includes:

  • TTS President
  • A TTS Council member
  • 2 Transplantation representatives
  • 4 members of the TSC

The winners will be featured in Transplantation, the TTS Tribune and TTS’ website at

For the TTS Award Committee:
Professor Anita Chong
Professor Stefan G. Tullius

Young Members Committee

to create more awareness among students and residents interested in pursuing a career in transplantation

TTS is starting a committee to look at the interest of their younger members. We are planning to roll out programmes for residents, fellows and young faculty members specifically tailored to their needs.

We wish to create more awareness among students and residents interested in pursuing a career in transplantation, both as clinicians and as scientists. This should increase international collaboration amongst our younger members, and provide a platform for international job opportunities available in the field.

The Committee is currently setting up schemes to help young members to travel and get exposure to transplant units in countries outside their native country. We also wish to run workshops very specifically aimed at young members to help them with career planning, leadership skills and publication. Important objectives for our group are collaboration, career building and networking amongst young members. We are exploring funding options for our activities and welcome any new ideas.

The Committee is looking for young members who would like to drive some of these projects with us, and we invite anyone interested to contact us. In particular, we need members from Asia, South-America and Australia in our Committee. If you or any of your colleagues are interested in getting involved, we would welcome an email from you! Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Women in Transplantation

2015 events calendar and online actions survey

The Women in Transplantation initiative of TTS would like to thank Astellas for their support of our 2015 networking calendar which has already had a very successful start. Our first networking event of 2015 was held during TTS’ newest Section Congress, the International Pediatric Transplant Association meeting in San Francisco, USA. The session was WITs first panel presentation featuring Anne Dipchand, Kim Olthoff, Beverly Kosmach-Park and Minnie Sarwal who each highlighted their key strategies for professional and personal success.

Our second event was held in May during the American Transplant Congress and included another panel of experts from different fields of transplantation; recordings of both these sessions are now available in the WIT Educational Resource Library. The complete collection of all past WIT events and presentations is freely available to all WIT and TTS members to watch and includes presentations from many women leaders in the field.

The remainder of 2015 will include several other networking events at international congresses.

Cell Transplant Society Update

forward thinking

a new name, a newly developed Young Investigator Committee, social media use, and Melbourne 2015

In November 2014, the Cell Transplant Society (CTS) Council held a strategic retreat working towards identifying and drafting long-term goals for the Society. The overriding goal moving forward will be to maintain CTS’ role as a leader in basic research and clinical translation of cellular transplantation. In order to better represent the future directions of cell transplantation, the Council voted in favor of changing the Society name to the “Cell Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Society”. CTS will begin to incorporate this change after the Melbourne 2015 Joint Meeting. The Council also decided to create two new membership categories, Trainee and Allied Health Professional/Technical, to broaden the reach of the Society and demonstrate the diversity of skills and backgrounds of its members. It is our hope that these changes, along with other strategic plans, will help CTS membership continue to grow as it has over the past five years.

As previously announced, CTS has developed a Young Investigator Committee under the leadership of Robert Fisher. This Committee has developed a session and social event for the 2015 Joint Meeting in Melbourne, and is developing criteria for future Young Investigator awards while working to assist in future fund development for the Society. We hope that this Committee will better supported and encourage participation from young investigators who represent the future of our Society.

CTS would also like to encourage members to find the Cell Transplant Society on both Facebook and LinkedIn. We hope that use of these platforms will increase interaction among members and spread knowledge and information about CTS and express our passion for cellular transplantation. We welcome contributions from all CTS members, which can include short stories about the type of cells you are working on, programs within your institutions or information about your research. If possible, please include a photo or image. Job listings can also be included on the CTS LinkedIn page. We anticipate this increased visibility will also lead to an increased interest in CTS and translate into more of our peers becoming members. Please contact Ewa Ellis for more information about contributing to CTS social media.

Finally, we encourage our members to consider attending our joint meeting with IPITA and IXA in Melbourne from November 15-19, 2015. The meeting will bring together leaders in the fields of cell, islet, pancreas and xenotransplantation for an outstanding scientific program in the beautiful city of Melbourne. Abstract submission information, registration information and information about travel awards for the meeting can be found at

International Hand and Composite Tissue Allotransplantation Society Update


an active, diverse and successful 2015 Congress speaks highly of the future

When Palmina Petruzzo assumed the Presidency of the International Hand and Composite Tissue Allotransplantation Society in 2013, she was concerned about the future of this young and small TTS Section. The 12th Congress of IHCTAS, which was held in Philadelphia from April 15-17, 2015, confirmed that we are a small community but very active. The meeting included participants from teams not only involved in different types of VCAs, but also members of multidisciplinary teams specializing in different fields of medicine.

The Congress had many highlights, including a presentation by the South African team who performed the first trial of uterus transplantations with living birth, as well as the first successful penis transplantation case. There was a session solely dedicated to the most important experimental studies in VCA around the world, highlighting the importance of the research in this new field of transplantation. Challenges in VCA program realization and VCA procurement in different countries were discussed, as well as immunosuppression management, cell therapies, and chronic rejection in upper and face allotransplantation. For the first time VCA guidelines in different countries were presented, showing that VCAs are becoming a clinical reality. A session was dedicated to the psychosocial and ethical issues in VCA with the participation of psychiatrists, psychologists and ethicists from different teams. These two exciting days were spent in the prestigious Penn University, carefully supervised by the Congress Chair, Scott Levin, to whom the Council owes a great deal of thanks for his dedication to making this Congress a success.

As her last message as President, Palmina Petruzzo would like to thank the Council very much for the help provided during her tenure, and to congratulate Emmanuel Morelon who has been voted in as President-Elect of IHCTAS and who will join our new President, Linda Cendales, as well as the new Councilors.

Finally, we would like to invite those interested and involved in VCA who are not yet members of IHCTAS to consider becoming members to contribute to the development of this new field of transplantation.

International Pancreas and Islet Transplantation Association

on-going advancement

 a comprehensive and strategic path to improving the outcomes of pancreas and islet transplantation

From November 15-19, the 2015 IPITA-IXA-CTS Joint Congress, held in the gastronomical and sporting city of Melbourne, Australia, will showcase the best and latest research in the fields of islet, pancreas, xeno- and cellular transplantation. In addition to a diverse, high-profile program of invited speakers, three pre-meeting symposia are being planned and will be included in the registration fee for all participants. Conference attendees will have a choice of attending the following symposia: “Islet Isolation and Transplantation: Where Are We Now And Where Are We Going?”; “Global Trends in Pancreas Transplant Activity – Challenges and Opportunities”; and “The Allied Health Professionals Symposium.”

While planning is underway for this landmark meeting, important scientific activities within IPITA have been on-going over the past year. Last May in Oxford, UK, an Opinion Leaders Workshop was conducted to highlight the state of current and future beta cell replacement therapies and to chart a strategic course for future research in these fields. As a result of this workshop, a “white paper” has been drafted and submitted to Transplantation for publication. The IPITA leadership hopes this document will help lay out the path for scientific inquiries into improving the outcomes of pancreas and islet transplantation, as well as advancing preclinical development of future beta cell replacement therapies. In addition, IPITA leaders and endocrinology experts recently came together to write a review entitled “Evidence-Informed Clinical Practice Recommendations for Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes Complicated by Problematic Hypoglycemia”, which proposes a comprehensive tiered treatment algorithm including educational, technological, and transplant interventions. This article is published in the June 2015 issue of Diabetes Care.

In other new IPITA developments, a Young Investigators Committee has been formed comprising scientists and physicians from numerous countries under the leadership of Dr. Peter Stock. The YI Committee has already been very active in planning targeted scientific sessions for the Melbourne Congress and future meetings.

An IPITA webinar series, launched this year, is off to an excellent start. Past webinars are archived and accessible for viewing by members at any time. Lastly, planning is underway for IPITA endorsed components of the 2016 TTS meeting in Hong Kong and for another Opinion Leaders meeting in 2016.

International Pediatric Transplant Association Update

strength and synergy

 a well-attended 2015 Congress and union with TTS brings renewed confidence and commitment

The Executive Committee and Council of the International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA) are pleased to provide an update on our Association's activities.

The 8th International Congress on Pediatric Transplantation, a four-day conference organized by IPTA, took place in San Francisco, USA, from March 28-31, 2015. This Congress is held every two years, traditionally in the off-years of the TTS Congress, and is one of the most important activities of the Association. The Congress’ objective is to bring transplant professionals together in order to learn about the latest scientific developments in pediatric transplantation. This year’s Congress included plenary sessions, state-of-the-art presentations, special lectures, interactive workshops, and two post-graduate courses: one for transplant physicians and one for allied health members. The inclusion of this second course reflects the contribution and representation of allied health workers, who currently represent 16% of our membership and have always been an important part of our society. The meeting was well attended by approximately 500 participants onsite. The presentations were recorded and will be available for free to all IPTA and TTS members in the Members Only area of the IPTA website. Information on the program topics can be found on the Congress website and in a supplemental edition of our journal Pediatric Transplantation (Volume 19, Supplement 1, May 2015), where the 291 presented abstracts are also published.

On June 1, 2015 IPTA joined TTS as a new official Section, and with its approximately 600 members from more than 50 countries, becomes the largest section of TTS. We are confident that all our members will be able to take advantage of the synergies resulting from this increased cooperation and the strengthening of our transplantation network. IPTA will also contribute to the educational content of the upcoming TTS Congress in Hong Kong, August 18-23, 2016.

In the meantime, preparations are well under way for the upcoming 9th Congress of the IPTA, which will be held in Barcelona, Spain, from May 27-30, 2017. The International Scientific Advisory Committee consisting of both IPTA and TTS members has been set up and looks forward to your suggestions and participation.

The biannual congress is just one examples of the international work done by the Association. Founded in 1998, IPTA is the only society worldwide devoted to the special needs of pediatric transplant patients and their families. IPTA has been involved in outreach and in fellow education, has its own journal and has sponsored the publication of two textbooks on pediatric solid organ transplantation. Affiliation with TTS is a natural fit for IPTA, as both organizations take an international approach to transplantation and are mutually committed to education and strengthening collaboration in the field.

International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement Update

strategic focus

professional practice, enabling sharing and international networking

The International Society for Donation and Procurement (ISODP) has already made significant progress this year in all three areas of its strategic focus. These include the improvement of professional practices for donation, enabling information sharing in the field, and the strengthening of international networks.

Towards the goal of increasing organ donation worldwide, ISODP together with TTS has launched the Astellas Scholarship program, a professional education and mentoring program. This program is focused on the development of evidence-based standardized practices and individual training to support the growth of donation specialist teams, which are recognized as essential for ongoing donation improvement. The inaugural workshop took place in January of this year in Saudi Arabia with 75 leaders from critical care units and donation programs from all seven Gulf Cooperation Countries. The three-day program provided by world leaders was a great success and highly rated by participants. Senior leaders will benefit from an additional year of ongoing mentoring for the instillation of improvement practices. Dr. Faissal Shaheen and his team are working closely with critical care leaders, and he is pleased to see the improvements in critical pathways already advancing donation in the region.

The 13th Congress of ISODP is set to take place from October 17-20, 2015 in Seoul, South Korea. The scientific program is exceptional with a number of focused sessions planned to attract the national community. Dr. Jongwon Ha is the Congress Chairman and is encouraging everyone to attend this not-to-miss meeting. See the full program on our website here.

The ISODP Webinar series continues to be one of the best attended of all TTS webinars with as many members of the Society attending the sessions as those following up after the events to review the archived talks. If you have missed any, we encourage you to take the time to catch up on the whole 2014 series by visiting TTS’ multimedia library here. The 2015 Webinar series opened with Dr. Marti Manyalich highlighting the impact of education in developing countries, followed by a number of distinguished presentations including one given by Laura Siminoff, an expert in communication strategies - one of our most attended sessions ever.

The development of a repository of key national and international donation resources continues to grow. The launch of the advanced website will include links to a number of resources which are sure to assist programs and individuals by enriching knowledge and in turn advancing practices. If you would like to get involved please contact Susan Gunderson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as she is leading this activity for ISODP.

We continue to focus on the retention and recruitment of members for the Society. Please encourage donation leaders from all programs to get involved.

International Xenotransplantation Association Update

promoting progress and concepts

Melbourne 2015: an excellent forum for both clinical investigators and basic scientists

The 2014 Xeno-Prize was judged recently and we are pleased to announce that the winner is Dr. Guerard Byrne for his paper entitled: “Cloning and Expression of Porcine β1,4 N-acetylgalactosaminyl Transferase Encoding a New Xenoreactive Antigen”. Congratulations to Dr. Byrne and his co-authors for their outstanding work.

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the next Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association (IXA), which will be held jointly with the International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association (IPITA) and the Cell Transplant Society (CTS) in Melbourne, Australia, November 15-19, 2015. The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) provides an amazing location for this event. Set on the banks of the iconic Yarra River, MCEC is just a 20-minute drive from Melbourne airport and a short stroll to the city center.

Designed with the help of more than 25 experts from 9 countries, the program of our joint meeting has been developed to promote a truly interdisciplinary exchange of scientific progress and concepts among investigators active in three different, but increasingly related and overlapping, fields. The program will thus provide an excellent forum for both clinical investigators and basic scientists with expertise in cell and islet transplantation and xenotransplantation to meet and discuss innovative strategies for overcoming immunologic, technologic, regulatory and other obstacles.

Our joint plenary session will include:

  • Updates on Clinical Trials: Cellular Immunotherapy, Encapsulated Pig Islet Xenotransplantation, and Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine;
  • New Horizons: Genome Editing, Tissue Regeneration, and Biomaterial Engineering;
  • Controlling Inflammation and Coagulation in Transplantation.

The plenary topics have been carefully chosen to include speakers world-renowned in fields that overlap with our own (e.g. tissue regeneration – Nadia Rosenthal; biomaterial engineering – Gordon Wallace), thus exposing delegates to new ideas and technologies. In addition, there will be plenary talks on topics of particular interest to IXA members, including encapsulated porcine islet xenotransplantation (Shinichi Matsumoto), anticoagulant/anti-inflammatory mechanisms (Chuck Esmon), and new anti-complement agents (John Lambris).

To register for the meeting, please visit and use the online system before August 30 to qualify for the early bird registration rate. We look forward to warmly welcoming you to Melbourne and wish you a fruitful scientific Congress and a pleasant stay.

Intestinal Transplant Association Update

active planning

vibrant and cutting edge - membership projects and the 2015 and 2017 Symposiums

The Intestinal Transplant Association and the local organizing committee under the leadership of Dr. Gabriel Gondolesi have been actively planning its biennial scientific meeting and the 14th International Small Bowel Transplant Symposium was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from June 10-13, 2015. And, while the name focuses on transplantation, the meeting went well beyond this field, emphasizing intestinal failure, TPN management, intestinal rehabilitation and transplantation. The meeting was preceded by the ever-popular pre-symposium held on June 10, 2015 followed by the three-day scientific symposium. Organized by global leaders in the field in conjunction with Argentinean experts, the Symposium met its promise to be as vibrant and cutting edge as the host city itself.

There were more than 300 pre-registrants with 249 abstracts submitted. Highlights included:

  • Debates on controversial topics within the fields of intestinal failure, rehabilitation, and transplantation
  • Living Legend Awards presented to Thomas Starzl, Stanley Dudrick, and Massayuki Okumura
  • Workshops addressing many of the clinical and pathological issues facing the field
  • Breakfast with the Experts to discuss a variety of clinical topics.
  • A session dedicated to discuss the need for and stimulate the development of multicenter studies
  • Multiple plenary and parallel sessions highlighting the best science in the fields
  • The results of the 2015 Intestinal Transplant Registry
  • A superb gala dinner showcasing the classical Tango of Buenos Aires

In addition to the Symposium, ITA has been working on other projects to benefit its membership. These include member surveys and membership drives, multicenter scientific studies, and the association’s first newsletters.

The leadership has also been working on a new home for the Intestinal Transplant Registry. More news on this should be forthcoming in the coming weeks.

Elections for new Councilors and Officers have taken place with the results to be announced in Buenos Aires and in the next issue of the Tribune.

Lastly, New York City has been selected as the host city for the 15th ISBTS which is scheduled for 2017. More information can be obtained on the ITA website.

Transplant Infectious Disease Update

destination Cancun

“Cutting Edge Topics in Transplant Infectious Disease for the Transplant Clinician”

The Transplant Infectious Disease Section would like to invite you to join us in beautiful Cancun, Mexico, for the 9th International Transplant Infectious Disease Conference, to be held just prior to the start of the XXIII Congreso Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Trasplante.

The conference is designed for transplant clinicians with an interest in the infectious complications of transplantation. The meeting aims to promote research and education in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of transplant-related infectious diseases, highlighting new information useful in clinical care.

Participant discussion will be encouraged following the presentations. This meeting will provide outstanding networking opportunities with an international group of attendees and speakers. This will be a great chance to interact with other transplant professionals and learn important new information. We look forward to seeing you in Cancun!

TID would also like to remind all of its members about TID Chat, a listserv open to TID and TTS members worldwide who are seeking help with clinical conundrums, undertaking formal and informal surveys, advertising jobs, notifying members about relevant upcoming conferences, developing working groups and more. To join, visit and subscribe by clicking on the banner on the left side of the homepage.

Lastly, the TID Council is pleased to announce the results of our 2015 election. The Council of TID for 2015 – 2017 will be:

Michele Morris (President)
Clarisse Machado (President-Elect) Deborah Marriott (Past-President)
Ligia Pierotti (Secretary-Treasurer)


Sharon Chen
Hans H. Hirsch,
Michael G. Ison
Nassim Kamar
Ban Hock Tan

Congratulations to the new Councilors joining us; we look forward to a productive year!

TTS Officers 2014–2016

To consolidate its position as the leading global organization, the Council has representation from all six regions of the world: North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East/Africa, Oceania, and Asia.


Philip J. O’Connell
Nancy Ascher
Francis L. Delmonico
Marcelo Cantarovich
Gabriel Danovitch
John J. Fung
Elmi Muller
Randall E. Morris
Jean-Pierre Mongeau

Executive Director


Jongwon Ha
Vivekanand Jha
Shiro Takahara
Beatriz Domínguez-Gil
Dirk R.J. Kuyper
Rudolf Garcia-Gallont
Alejandro Niño Murcia
Ifeoma Ulasi
Minnie Sarwal
Megan Sykes
Stefan G. Tullius
Josette Eris

Tribune Credits

Tribune is published four times per year by The Transplantation Society (TTS).

Editor-in-Chief: Nancy K. Man

International Headquarters

 International Headquarters
The Transplantation Society
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Montreal, QC H3B 3V9 CANADA
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Please contact any of our dedicated staff for any assistance you may require:

Roman Beliaevski
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Roberto Colarusso
Director of Technologies
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Geneviève Leclerc
Director of Meetings
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Frank Líndo Verissimo
Meetings & Exhibits Coordinator
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Sondra Livingston
Sections Manager
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Amanda Mayer
Membership Services Coordinator
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Jean-Pierre Mongeau
Executive Director
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Catherin Parker
Meetings Manager
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Denise Rainville
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Anaïs Rodriguez
Meetings Manager
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Eugenia Siu
Registration & Administration Coordinator
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Darren Woodbury
Graphic Designer
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Chi Hong Yeung
Accounting Clerk
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TTS and WIT Endorsed Survey - Actions Following Adverse Clinical Incidents in Transplantation

TTS and the WIT Initiative are pleased to endorse a survey prepared by The University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire, U.K. in collaboration with Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, U.K.

This group is conducting a web-based study looking at actions taken following clinical adverse incidents in transplantation in different hospitals. We would appreciate your participation in this survey, which should take about 10 minutes to complete.

The web link for the study, including additional details, is:

If you would like to translate and/or advertise this study in your local/affiliated societies, please contact:

Dr. Nithya S. Krishnan
Consultant Transplant Nephrologist
Renal Unit, UHCW NHS Trust
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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Suite 1401
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7