Frequently Asked Questions

Why did SPLIT join TTS as an official Section?
Since its inception in 1995, SPLIT steadily grew into an established collaborative, integrated infrastructure and community with synergistic platforms in research, education, patient advocacy, mentorship, quality improvement and clinical care. Over the years, SPLIT’s primary goal of improving outcomes for children who have undergone liver transplantation were powered via pharmaceutical (SPLIT 1.0), United States National Institutes of Health Grant (SPLIT 2.0), and self-funded (SPLIT 3.0) strategies. As the SPLIT Executive Council looked toward the future, it became clear that joining forces with a self-governing society with vast administrative and infrastructural support such as TTS would ensure the next chapter of SPLIT (4.0) to achieve and excel in our targeted mission to improve the lives of children who require liver transplantation.
How do I participate in the SPLIT Registry?
The SPLIT Registry will continue to be supported by the Data Coordinating Center (DCC) at Emmes. The Registry website and data system can be found at Participating centers will continue to be invoiced every January to provide $5,000 to support the Registry. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view with any questions.
Do SPLIT members need to be TTS members?
No. The principal requirement for SPLIT membership is an active interest in improving clinical practice and outcomes of infants, children and teenagers who have undergone liver transplantation, whether it be in the arenas of basic science, clinical research, quality improvement, clinical care, health policy, or patient advocacy.
What are the benefits of becoming a SPLIT member?
SPLIT membership benefits include:
  • Reduced registration fees to our SPLIT Annual Meeting ($100 savings)
  • Entitlement to apply for Trainee and Advocates Travel Grants to the SPLIT Annual Meeting
  • Mentorship by leaders in the field
  • Opportunities to join SPLIT Committees, Writing Groups or Research and Quality Improvement initiatives
  • Access to past SPLIT Congress educational library
  • Discount on TTS annual membership ($50 savings)
How do I donate to SPLIT?
Please visit our new website and click the Donate Now button the left-hand side of the home page.
Where is information about the 2019 SPLIT Annual Meeting?
Our 2019 meeting will be held at the Hilton Americas Hotel in Houston, TX from October 23-25, 2019. Please visit the meeting website HERE for more information.