TTS History

TTS Historian


Randall E. Morris
Research Professor Emeritus, Stanford, CA, USA
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Past TTS Biennial Congresses

List of TTS Congresses from 1966 to current day


XXVII Madrid, Spain


XXVI Hong Kong


XXV San Francisco, United States (2014 World Transplant Congress)


XXIV Berlin, Germany


XXIII Vancouver, Canada


XXII Sydney, Australia


XXI Boston, USA


XX Vienna, Austria


XIX Miami, USA


XVIII Rome, Italy


XVII Montreal, Canada


XVI Barcelona, Spain


XV Kyoto, Japan


XIV Paris, France


XIII San Francisco, USA


XII Sydney, Australia


XI Helsinki, Finland


X Minneapolis, USA


IX Brighton, United Kingdom


VIII Boston, USA


VII Rome, Italy


VI New York, USA


V Jerusalem, Israel


IV San Francisco, USA


III The Hague, Netherlands


II New York, USA


I Paris, France

TTS Historical Library

The Transplantation Society has started a historical reference library to be housed in the International Headquarters in Montreal.

The library includes books by and about Past-Presidents and other principle figures in our field, classic treatises, important obituaries, pertinent archival papers, and a relatively large collection of relevant photographs and pictures. Anyone interested in the rich background of transplantation is welcome to avail him or herself of this material, much of which will eventually be digitalized. Below is a current list of contents. Anyone with historical data and would be interested in donating to this central repository would be very welcome to do so by sending it to our TTS HQ at:

The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
1255 University Street, Suite 605
Montreal, QC H3B 3V9 CANADA
Tel: 514-874-1717

Books for TTS library, International Headquarters, Montreal (as of 18 MAY 2010)

  • Antibodies, Brit Med Bull 19, no3, 1963.
  • Barronio G, On Grafting in Animals
  • Brent L, A History of Transplantation Immunology
  • Transplantation of Tissues and Organs, Brit Med Bull 21, no 2, 1965
  • Burnett MacF, Cellular Immunology
  • Calne RY, Art, Surgery, and Transplantation
  • Calne RY, Too Many People
  • Calne RY, The Ultimate Gift
  • Ciba Foundation Symposium, 1962. Transplantation
  • Cooper D (ed) Chris Barnard by Those Who Knew Him
  • Doherty P, The Beginner’s Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize: A Life in Science
  • Dossetor JB, Beyond the Hippocratic Oath: A Memoir on the Rise of Modern Medical Ethics
  • Edwards WS and Edwards PD, Alexis Carrel: Visionary Surgeon
  • Ehrenfried A, Reverdin and other methods of skin-grafting. NEJM CLXI:911, 1904.
  • Fehrman-Ekholm I, Morning Gift
  • Fox RC, Swazey JP, The Courage to Fail: A Social View of Organ Transplants and Dialysis
  • Fox RC, Swazey, Spare Parts: Organ Replacement in American Society
  • Groth CG (ed) Pancreatic Transplantation
  • Hamilton D, The Monkey Gland Affair
  • Hamburger K, Crosnier ZJ, Grünfeld J-P, Néphrologie
  • Herrick CB, The Best He Had to Offer: The Ron Herrick Story
  • Johna S, George M. Abouna: The History of a Pioneer in Transplant Surgery
  • Küss R, Bourget, Une Histoire Illustrée de la Greffe D’Organes: La Grande Adventure du Siècle
  • Küss R, Bourget, An Illustrated History of Organ Transplantation: The Great Adventure of the Century
  • Medawar JS, A Very Decided Preferance: Life with Peter Medawar
  • Medawar PB, The Art of the Soluble
  • Medawar PB, The Future of Man: The Reith Lectures
  • Medawar PB, Advice to a Young Scientist
  • Medawar PB, The Uniqueness of the Individual
  • Medawar PB, The Threat and The Glory: Reflections on Science and Scientists
  • Medarar PB and Medawar JS, The Life of Science: Current Ideas of Biology
  • Medawar PB and Medawar JS , Aristotle to Zoos: A Philosophical Dictionary of Biology
  • Moore FD, Give and Take: The Development of Tissue Transplantation
  • Moore FD, Transplant: The Give and Take of Tissue Transplantation
  • Moore FD, A Miracle and a Privilege: Recounting a Half-Century of Surgical Advance
  • Morris PJ, Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice (2nd ed)
  • Murray JE, Surgery of the Soul: Reflections on a Curious Career
  • Najarian JS, Simmons RL, Transplantation
  • Nossal GJV, Antibodies and Immunity
  • Santiago-Delgin, Eduardo A. and Ruiz-Speare, J. Octavio, Trasplante de Organos, 2a. Edicion
  • Sexton C, The Seeds of Time: The Life of Sir Macfarlane Burnet
  • Stark T, Knife to the Heart: the Story of Transplant Surgery
  • Starzl TE, The Puzzle People: Memoirs of a Transplant Surgeon
  • Söderqvist T, Science as Autobiography: The Troubled Life of Niels Jerne
  • Terasaki PI, History of Transplantation: Thirty-five Recollections
  • The Nobel Prize Annual 1990
  • Tilney NL, Transplantation Biology: Cellular and Molecular Aspects
  • Tilney NL, Transplant: From Myth to Reality
  • Tilney NL, A Perfectly Striking Departure: Surgeons and Surgery at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital 1912-1980.
  • Woodruff MFA, On Science and Surgery
  • Woodruff MFA, The Transplantation of Tissues and Organs


  • Barker C, pictures of Rupert Billingham
  • XVII TTS Congress. A Half Century Retrospective of Transplantation: A Special Symposium Honoring Pioneers of Transplantation (tape)
  • Calne RY, signed framed print of liver transplant
  • Large number of assorted slides and pictures
Past TTS Presidents

Past Presidents of The Transplantation Society

Nancy L. Ascher 2016-2018
Philip J. O'Connell 2014-2016
Francis L. Delmonico 2012-2014
Gerhard Opelz 2010-2012
Jeremy R. Chapman 2008-2010
Nicholas L. Tilney 2006-2008
Kathryn Wood 2004-2006
David E.R. Sutherland 2002-2004
Carl Groth 2000-2002
Oscar Salvatierra, Jr. 1998-2000
Pekka Häyry 1996-1998
John S. Najarian 1994-1996
Sir Roy Calne 1992-1994
Thomas E. Starzl 1990-1992
J. Richard Batchelor 1988-1990
Anthony P. Monaco 1986-1988
Sir Peter J. Morris 1984-1986
Paul I. Terasaki 1982-1984
Hans Balner 1980-1982
Felix T. Rapaport 1978-1980
Leslie Brent 1976-1978
Rupert E. Billingham 1974-1976
Sir Michael Woodruff 1972-1974
Paul S. Russell 1970-1972
Jean Hamburger 1968-1970
John M. Converse 1967-1968
Sir Peter Medawar 1966-1967
D. Bernard Amos 1966



Staff Directory
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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Suite 1401
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7