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TID Conference Recordings

  9th Conference Recordings   8th Conference Recordings   7th Conference Recordings    6th Conference Recordings    5th Conference Recordings    4th Conference Recordings

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Why Join TID?

Promote research and education in the prevention, diagnosis, clinical consequences, and management of infectious diseases in transplant recipients.

Member Benefits:

A free online subscription to the journal Transplant Infectious Disease (Full Members only)

Ongoing infectious disease webinars

Access to past TID meeting recordings

Access to the TID membership directory

Reduced registration fees at international congresses, a savings of $75

Nomination and voting privileges (Full Members only)

Members receive a $50 reduction off their TTS dues when paying both at the same times

TID Membership Requirements

There are four categories of membership: Full, Trainee, and Associate. Full Members are clinicians, allied health professionals and research investigators with an interest in infectious diseases and transplantation, and who are contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field are invited to become a Full Member. Full Members receive online access to the Transplant Infectious Disease journal, are eligible to vote in TID elections and run for positions on the Council of TID. Trainee Members are individuals enrolled in pre- or post-doctoral training programs relevant to the science and clinical practice of transplant infectious disease, and individuals who have completed their training but have not yet qualified for full membership are invited to become a trainee member of TID. No individual may remain in this category more than four years. Trainee members may not vote or hold office on the Council but may serve on Committees. Associate Members are individuals who have demonstrated a sustained and continued interest in the field of infectious disease but who do not qualify for full or trainee membership. Associate members may not vote or hold office on the Council but may serve on committees.

To apply for a new membership

The membership application is an online form that you will fill in guide you step by step. Fields with marked by an asterix (*) are mandatory. TTS, IPITA and IXA require that you specify the sponsor(s) supporting your application. When applying for a TTS membership, you will have to provide additional information such as your CV and short professional profile (one-paragraph biographical sketch). At any time you will be able to log out and complete the application at a later date from where you left off, by logging in with your e-mail and password in the "Returning Applicants" box (to access the form again you will need to return to this page and use the login box found at the bottom right corner. DO NOT attempt to login to the main TTS site as this will not work). You will be able to review the status of your application by logging in with your e-mail and password at anytime. Once your application has been submitted, the review process will take about 4 to 6 weeks. If your application is accepted, you will be notified by email. Please do not send payment for your dues prior to being accepted as a member. If you are already a Member of The Transplantation Society and/or one of its sections, you may apply for membership through your membership profile. To be able to complete this application you must have your CV prepared and saved on your computer (as a PDF document).



To renew a membership

Log into your TID Membership account and select the Pay Dues / Buy Journals link.

Pay Dues / Buy Journals

Contact for membership inquiries:

Ms. Amanda Mayer Membership Coordinator Transplant Infectious Disease A section of The Transplantation Society International Headquarters 505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, Suite 1401 Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7 Canada Tel: 514-874-1717 Fax: 514-874-1716 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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TID Webinars

Thursday, December 14, 2017 Hepatitis C and Renal Transplantation in the Era of New Antiviral Agents Professor José Maria Morales, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine, Past-Medical Director Renal Transplant Program Hospital 12 de Octubre Madrid, Spain Click here to view (you must be logged into the website) Check out our latest recorded webinars and stay tuned for upcoming webinars on Webinar on BK | CMV, Infection Control, Multi-drug resistant bacteria, Molecular biology and HCV. December 14, 2017 • Professor José Maria Morales • Hepatitis C and Renal Transplantation in the Era of New Antiviral Agents November 30, 2017 • John Baddley • Endemic Mycosis in Transplant Populations November 17, 2017 • Ban Hock Tan, Singapore • Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms in Solid Organ Transplantation June 8, 2017 • Lilian Abbo, Miami, FL, USA • Infection Controls March 31, 2016 • Clarisse Machado, Sao Paulo, Brazil • Zika Virus September 11, 2015 • Michael G. Ison, Chicago, IL, USA • Respiratory Viruses April 09, 2014 • Ban Hock Tan, Singapore • Rapid Diagnostic for Invasive Fungal Infections in the Solid-Organ... March 21, 2014 • Lígia Camera Pierrotti, São Paulo, Brazil • Polyomavirus: Interesting and Curious Infections beyond BK January 22, 2014 • Nassim Kamar, Toulouse, France • Hepatitis E: An Emerging Virus in Solid-Organ Transplantation

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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Suite 1401
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7