ISODP Membership Benefits

Benefits of Membership: Monthly educational webinars Access to multimedia content from past congresses and webinars Eligibility to apply for ISODP scholarships and travel grants Access to the member directory Reduced congress registration fees ($200 savings) Discounted journal prices for Transplantation Proceedings, Transplantation Reviews, and more Voting and nomination rights for ISODP Council elections Receive a $50 discount off TTS dues when you pay your ISODP and TTS dues at the same time TTS’s Newsletter Tribune updating members on ISODP and TTS activities

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About ISODP Membership

A person may become a Member by submitting a completed application along with the necessary documentation. Full Members are physicians, surgeons, scientists, coordinators or other specialists that maintain a specific interest in organ procurement and donation and whom are actively engaged in the science or clinical practice of organ, cell and tissue transplantation and donation (the “Field of Transplantation” ). Emeritus Members are Full Members that have attained the age of 65 years or that have retired from practice in the Field of Transplantation and who have formally requested Emeritus membership. Emeritus Members do not have the right to vote or hold office on the Council but may serve on committees. Emeritus Members are exempt from paying annual membership dues. Honorary Members are invited to become Honorary Members by the Council of the Society and are individuals with a distinguised record in the Field of Transplantation irrespective of professional discipline. Honorary Members do not have the right to vote or hold office on the Council and shall be exempt from paying annual membership dues. If you would like more information on membership, please contact ISODP’S representative at The Transplantation Society: International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement c/o The Transplantation Society – International Headquarters 1255 University Street, Suite 605 Montreal, QC H3B 3V9 CANADA Tel: +1-514-874-1717 / Fax: +1-514-874-1716 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website:

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Training the Teams: The Coordinator Development Program

a joint project of ISODP and TTS Dear colleagues, The Transplantation Society and the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement is committed to enhancing both living and deceased organ donation throughout the world. A well understood and vital component of increasing donation is the development of evidence-based, standardized practices and focused training opportunities for donation specialist teams. As a follow up to successful workshops that have been held in Saudi Arabia and China, we would like to continue focusing on supporting the creation of high performing programs. This year, the ISODP/TTS Coordinator Development Program is seeking applications from sites that wish to host an innovative workshop to further advance program practices and to provide expert led professional education for their community. The International Society for Donation and Procurement (ISODP) and The Transplantation Society (TTS) will work with local program organizers that are awarded the grant in the following ways: To develop the workshop program and design Sponsor world leaders to present and participate in the workshop Provide ongoing mentorship and follow up with the site included in the grant Each Program Grant can be up to $50,000 USD A Deceased Donor Program, Living Donor Program or Critical Care Program can apply for the scholarship and must demonstrate their ability to secure organizational support to host this training opportunity. Please note:At this time, applications will not be accepted from North American organizations. The Director of the program applying for the grant must: Identify the workshop goals and how this event will contribute to an increased knowledge of organ donation. What experience or future plans will complement the donation community by hosting this event? Provide a proposed curriculum that addresses the needs of their program and/or region. Provide an outline of funds that are available to support the development of the workshop. Successful applications must provide a final evaluation of the program/event in a report to ISODP. Curriculum will be expected to include at least the following core content objectives: Understanding the evaluation of the physical requirements for safe living donation, through implementation of the Amsterdam Forum consensus document; Understanding the evaluation of psychological suitability for living organ donation; Understanding the relevant legal framework for living organ donation; Understanding the needs of living organ donors and the best practice for post-operative follow up; Understanding of the neurologic assessment of death, including the pathophysiology and a determination of brain death; Understanding and communicating in the circumstance of family grief; Understanding and utilizing appropriate communication of the brain death diagnosis to family members; Understanding the concept and procedure of donation after cardiac death; Applying legal framework of organ and tissue donation within the country; Evaluating potential donor suitability for organ transplantation; Conducting a thorough interview of family to document donor medical and social history; Understanding the legal and ethical aspects of informed consent; Understanding the role of the organ donation coordinator in the operating room recovery; Understanding organ preservation and allocation. Application Considerations: Applicants must develop their own proposals and must be unique to your program in order to be considered by the Selection Committee. ISODP will help programs with a maximum grant of $50,000 USD to the organizer for each event. The grants funds should be used to partially finance the event; local organizers will be responsible for any additional costs above and beyond the grant amount. Part of the grant will be dedicated to finance International ISODP speakers (1 – 5). The Selection Committee will vet the applications using a scoring system that will include consideration for the following: International participation Possibilities to increase and develop donation in the region Local Agency or Society support Clear goals and objectives of the meeting align with the donation and transplant process including: Deceased Donation, Family consent, ICU implication, Tissue Donation, Preservation techniques The application period has now closed. If you have any questions about the program or application requirements please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Sincerely, Kimberly S. Young ISODP Past President & Workshop Chair Click Here to Complete ISODP Coordinator Training Workshop Application

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The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
505 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Suite 1401
Montréal, QC, H2Z 1Y7